Follow us on social media

Posted on February 14, 2020

Twist Human Core Exome Kit
Did you know that ecSeq is active in sharing news and updates at different social media channels?

No? Feel free to follow us!


On Twitter we do not only share promotions about our services, but also overall news about NGS. What new methods are there on the market? What will be of interest in the future? Follow us and stay up-to-date!

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On LinkedIn we have both, a company page on which we share news and updates, as well as three discussion groups. In the groups, a broad audience of experts shares their own news to keep everyone updated. All members and messages in the groups are specific to the groups topic.

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Group: NGS Data Analysis

Group: Diagnostic Laboratories

Group: microRNA Research


On facebook we have a company page and a very active group for NGS data analysis. People from all over the world ask questions, discuss and inform the followers about everything related to NGS and bioinformatics.

Follow ecSeq on Facebook

Group: NGS Data Analysis


For our German followers we have a company page and a discussion group for beginners in NGS data analysis in Xing.

Follow ecSeq on Xing

Group: NGS Data Analysis

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